Overthrowing The Titans Here I Come!

MOOD: hungry....for POWER

Bumped into my dad, Cronos, the other day, you should have seen his face! HAHAHAAAA! He was all like "wtf?!! how did you get here, I swear I had gotten rid of you!"
It was the weirdest mix of anger, fear and confusion I've ever seen....
ANYWAY, it totally got me thinking, if he tried to get rid of me, why cant I just like get rid of him! It'll be easy enough, all I have to do call up ma homies! Yeah, I'm totally going to do that! Maybe we'll cancel Gossip Girl night this week...I think It's like the only time the Cyclopes, the Hundred-Handers and I are all free....damn....I love that show....

Yeahhhh....my dad really isn't the best role model...
xoxo Gossip GIRRRRRL! Hahahahaha.....such a great show!!! And that Chuck! What a total cutie!

Yep, im going to do it!! Ooooohhhh! I cant wait.... I want power sooooooo badly!!! I can see it now.... ME, sole ruler over gods and men...Master Of The Universe.... I'm actually getting chills! lol
"OH I just cant wait to be king!!" - The Lion King ALWAYS makes me cry... wish my dad was half as good as Simba's....
Oh well, his bad parenting will make it easier to overthrow him...

~ Zeus xx


  1. Oh son, my lovely all-grown up son, lets not be rash, you hardly need to overthrow me! I mean, we could rule together! Yes, father and son.... and I was never going to eat you! No, never, even ask your mother Rhea. The whole 'swallow-the-stone' thing was just to keep up the act, I KNEW you were SPECIAL all along....

    1. hahahahaaaa.....yeahhhh whatever, titanomachy here we come!! :D

    2. You heard'em. You're goin' down Cronos!

  2. I'm taking this class to, and this is pretty cool I gotta say.
